Wednesday 11 December 2013

Gao, to.

When it surprises you that most of your beliefs were a chimera, hanging slick and fork-tongued on the penumbra of your life, blink twice and then let it go.  I've taught you to trust, stand readied with one fist of text balled in one hand; in the other, a sword. Every father asks for his son to bleed for his beliefs exactly to the extent that he would for his own. If all things are equal between us, and they are, bleed only for the father you know as you; bleed for compassion or for cruelty in whatever measure your conscience tells you; and know that your conscience lies if you're not listening very closely. For that, go to where no one can hear you; you, anyone; and care not for the world then. Everyone will laugh and shake your hand; and shake theirs; and then look on the form and essence of life.

Sometime, circa. a couple of thousands of years past, they say someone died for you.

No one has died for you. Everyone has died for you. Decide what emphasis you'll choose to guide most of your life; but never, for anything, let your life be in vain, a passive mark of biological passing no more remarked than a slug's. Never that. Safeguard your life until you reproduce; your soul until you can stand it. If in conjunction with the love I feel for you, that will be forever.

Your tongue will never exceed your heart. Follow the latter with the former in faith. My legacy to you is you; my love, as truly  unbounded as the universe. Kiss all you see, if only in your mind, at least once. Kiss those things you love frequently and forever. Destroy the first hint that your kiss will be interrupted.

Wend wisely, Dearest and Truest Chum. My blood's yours. Remember that it is as powerful as the oldest of things.

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