Thursday 10 October 2013

Lifelong thanks

Thank you for being the smile in my heart and for lifting its corner when no one else or thing can. 

Thank you for making my eyes well with touched tears when I thought they never again could; for the plenitude of spirit it imparts, thank you. 

When the rush of death blinds me; when pessimism and despair plunges my spirit under dark waters and I am drowning; when tossed on those currents where no purchase could be had, thank you for the godly gifts of thoughtfulness you throw into the vortex, those buoys, those gestures dispatched with telltale words and actions bespeaking profound care. 

Thank you for your gentle gaze, for your unflagging conscientiousness towards me and all things; for your uncomplicated, perfect decency. 

Thank you for making this morning, the gossamer thread fluttering from our balcony rail, in turns translucent and visible in the refracting sun, by your essence and the strength it has given me, an occasion for the greatest hope, the unerring awe for life, the answer to why. 

Thank you for being the surest redemption of the best I ever had in me and ever hoped this world was. 

Thank you for guiding me back to the life I was given.

Thank you, Brandi Dawn Ports. 

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