Friday 21 September 2012


The speckled reminisces of the stings imparted by jellyfish are thought by some mystics to reside in their tendrils. These creatures by their gelatinous and translucent appearance cast an eerie and benevolent glow whose charm leads the uninitiated to trod upon them or touch them or when accidently fishing them out amongst other sea creatures, thoughtlessly toss them aside whereby the tossers learn the painful though rarely lethal lesson that beauty and pain often associate intimately.

The mysterious look of the jellyfish and its reflexive, natural need to protect this mysteriousness causes in its behaviour a skittish though passive quality that often finds it awash on shores. A strange, beautiful, mysterious and gentle creature, its only desire it to have its nebulous dreams safeguarded against the careless hands of brutes who fail to share in those dreams and cannot understand them.
Were you an animal; had I to assign a totem to you, N, it would be the jellyfish: beautiful, reflexive, gentle and in its principled desire to rightfully protect its own loveliness, dangerous. Do by all means protect your dreams; they are magic.
You are magic.
I denuded you, threw you, have been stung.
And now the currency of my regret exchanges at next to nothing.

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