Wednesday 25 July 2012

hairspraying love

--says she is a mistake

--didn't get a video message

--she makes me laugh (dead bird) turky comment

--how I slept on the couch

--Frohe Weihnachten

--stuffing: butter, eggs, two loaves of cubes wheat bread, celery, salt, pepper, pears, pecans, apple, rosemary, parsely, poutry seasoning; mashed potatoes with garlic, roasted carrots, boiled peas,

I was admonished for using Jessy's deodorant spray. She said it was hers. Marjorie the bloodless, hypocritical landlady concurred. I assented to her concurrence like a whipped son. What I should have said is this: if you sink yourself into a woman, smear you body and soul into her with all the grief of dreams fulfilled and forgotten; if you devote the fundament of your passion to hers, your very spit sheathing her tongue; if the cry of your ancestors burst through your lungs when you bury your seed into her; and if she gives you the very same, her everything, her mournful and hungry womanhood, with abandon and lust; if two people thrust with the will of God themselves unto another in the oldest dance, sopping and smeared and always right; if you've given everything worth anything, your spirited anguish and love, how can you baulk at the person to whom you've relinquished your all for using a bit of spray. The absurdity is a modern/post-modern one: we are told that we're individuals, unrelated to each other except through economic exchange. We're told that we are or if not should be isolate units; that is "natural." That, I say, has nothing to do with nature and everything with prescriptive bullshit designed to enslave us by divorcing us from the strength we gain by doing the natural; that is, recognizing and fully immersing ourselves in our humanity through others, a biological directive sung since time began, in our very genes.

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